A Gay Fairytale.
Once upon a time an imprisoned prince was rescued by seven beautiful men.
For two years, Prince Snow has been locked away in the palace tower. On the night Queen Serena decides to do away with him for good, seven beautiful men with equally tragic pasts appear out of nowhere to rescue him.
Starved for affection, hurt, and in fear for his life, Snow is shown attention and care he has never known. The seven men teach him what real loyalty and love can be.
Doc, their leader, will heal him.
Sleepy, the most devoted, offers to become his love until the end of days.
All yearn to fight to gain Snow his rightful throne.
But Snow cannot justify his new friends putting their lives on the line for him. His heart will break forever if anything happens to Sleepy. Maybe it would be better for all if he just left…
You will love Prince Snow, but you will fall in love with Sleepy!
M/M romance, non-magical fantasy, abduction, imprisonment, rescue, hurt/comfort, and a sweet love story with a happy ending!

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Fairytales, the actual roots of violence and abuse in this modern world. Name one fairytales that doesn't include mean characters. One. I don't remember. There's always abuse, kidnapping, attempted murder, and so on and so on.
Of course there are always cruelty in this world, fairytales, at least gave an option of HEA.
Snow of the White Hills, started with a gut wrenching opening of how much Snow suffered for something he cannot fight alone. The abusive step mother, the cruel Queen of all cruelest.
As you knew already, this is a twist based on Snow White, the gay version. And I think this is even harder to chew.
This book is a silent book, Snow with his seven knights, who were basically knew who he was from the beginning. Doing a boring life in their cave, and listening the gut wrenching stories of the seven men who saved him, wasn't a lighthearted one.
Snow is not a typical sweet adorable story like any other fairy tales, this is a harder one (in my opinion), sad, bitter, but at some point, also an uplifting tale.
But, I know that you'll fall for Snow and Sleepy, guaranteed!
If you like this kind of story, prepare for some twist and heartbreaking story.
Recommended read.
View all my reviews
About Wendy Rathhbone :
Wendy Rathbone has had dozens of stories published in anthologies such as: Hot Blood, Writers of the Future (second place,) Bending the Landscape, Mutation Nation, A Darke Phantastique, and more. The book "Dreams of Decadence Presents: Wendy Rathbone and Tippi Blevins" contains a large collection of her vampire stories and poems. Over 500 of her poems have been published in various anthologies and magazines. She won first place in the Anamnesis Press poetry chapbook contest with her book "Scrying the River Styx." Her poems have been nominated for the Science Fiction Poetry Association's Rhysling award at least a dozen times.
Her recent books include:
"Pale Zenith," science fiction novel
"The Foundling," male/male romance novel
"None Can Hold the Dark," sequel to "The Foundling"
"The Secret Sharer," science fiction romance novella
"Unearthly," omnibus collection of 7 out-of-print poetry booklets
"The Vampire Diaries: The Myth," available from Kindle Worlds
"The Vampire Dairies: Deep In the Virginia Woods," available from Kindle Worlds
"My House Is Full Of Whispers," erotica short story collection
"Letters To An Android," science fiction novel
Upcoming very soon:
"Risque Science Fiction," short stories by Wendy Rathbone
"The Red Fountain, Where Vampires Come to Drink," short stories and poetry by Wendy Rathbone
Look for more novels and short story collections coming up in 2014.
She lives in Yucca Valley, CA with her partner of 32 years, Della Van Hise.
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