Sunday 22 April 2018

ARC REVIEW : Stand by Your Manny (The Mannies #3) by Amy Lane


Learning to trust and falling in love.

Sammy Lowell has his hands full juggling his music, college, some pesky health problems, and making the uncles who raised him proud. He needs help fulfilling his after-school duties with his siblings. Nobody can be in two places at once—not even Sammy!

An injury puts Cooper Hoskins in a tough spot—if he can’t work, the foster sister he’s raising can’t eat. But years in the foster system have left Cooper short on trust, and opening up to accept help isn’t easy.

Luckily, family intervenes—Cooper needs a job so he can care for Felicity, and Sammy needs someone who can see past his illness to the wonderful things he has planned for his life. Each heals the damaged places in the other’s heart. But falling in love is a big responsibility for young men deep in family already. Can the two of them get past their fear of the immediate future to see forever with each other?

  Stand by Your Manny (The Mannies, #3)Stand by Your Manny by Amy Lane
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

We met Sammy when he was a seven year old boy, with his uncle Channing and Tino. Charming, cute little boy that his uncles love. Now he's now grown up, thirteen years later, with his 'a not too old uncle Channing' and Tino. Now this time, it's his story. Time does fly.
But Sammy is still as sick as when he's a little boy, and nothing everyone's can do about it, except, stand by him, and taking care of him. The problem is, when everybody care about him, he forgot to take care of himself.
That's the main theme of the story, and of course family, and the whole , love of the family.
But we met Cooper, someone, that finally Sammy can really trust with his 'secret' and his love.
I was aww-ing and ooh-ing for Cooper and Sammy's sake, how can I not? They're adorable. Both virgins, pure, shy. I blushed, smile, and cry with them.
Amy Lane made Sammy and Cooper 'real', their problem is real. And I loved how easily Channing and Tino accepted Cooper and Felicity in the family.
This is a heartwarming family story, and you need to read this!
I loved and enjoyed the story, and cannot wait for the next book in the series!

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