Aaron Hall has never been able to remain faithful to a single woman, and for most of his life, he’s dated two women at once. Recently his girlfriend tracked him down and knocked on his door—and his live-in girlfriend answered. Now he has no girlfriend and a mortgage he can’t pay by himself.
Vinnie Rosello needs to change his life—get a better job, stop drinking all his money away, find himself a serious boyfriend… and move out of his parents’ house. Aaron needs help with his expenses, so they become housemates.
Even though Aaron harbors some misconceptions about gay men and Vinnie misses his large Italian family, both men find comfort in their friendship. It’s a good arrangement until everything between them changes
Vinnie falls in love with Aaron, and Aaron is shocked to realize he feels the same. There’s only one problem—he’s still straight. He’ll have to overcome his fear of labels in order to love the man who’s captured his heart.

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
How perfect this "A.R.H + V.R.H + C.R.H. 4EVA" for you?
Go read this book, and you'll find out!
Renae Kaye ! You should've seen my face after I finished this!
The dreamy smile to the wall, imagining and enjoying the perfect epilogue gave me!
I'm still on my second read while I write this review, and still have the smile and dreamy face :)
How perfect the ending of this series, you think? You have no idea!
Because this is what's ALL the book I read should have their Epilogue! Sigh!
Just like Liam, Aaron 'is not gay. Aaron is not gay. Repeat. Aaron is NOT gay!'.
Got that?
Denial! Just like Liam's denial in Loving Jay, Aaron's also have a denial that, no way a straight guy can fall in love with a flamboyant Disney Prince's like gay guy! No way!
Yo Aaron, yes way!
I won't give you the story spoiler in this one, but you need to experience your own frustration after Aaron, and all the love you'll feel for Vinnie. Gosh! That guy!
Who doesn't want to ' switch team' for a guy like Vinnie? Hmm...not many. And Aaron is one of those serial straight dater who can finally 'finding' what's he's looking for.
After awhile, he came to realized that he can't imagine his life without Vinnie anymore.
Let's just put this picture of my lovely Lance here, to show you what's Aaron's feeling about his Vinnie. Damn.

And let's put this 'interesting' conversation with Aaron's Mom here...
..."Oh, so you're gay?"
"Not really. But I'm going to be gay with Vinnie. Okay? I love him, and if loving him means I'm gay, then I'll be gay"
And this...
"I love you Aaron. And yes, I will help you. I'll be here and listen with an open mind if you say you're struggling with the gay stuff or the same sex attraction or whatever. Because loving you is easy, so I guess I have to take the bad stuff with the good. It would be easier if you're gay, but I know that you're not. You're Aaron. And whether you're straight or not, you're the guy I love"
Don't worry of not 'seeing' Jay and Liam (especially him!) and Kee and Tate in this book.
They're 'everywhere'!...oh how I miss my Liam and Jay...And how Liam shows how a best friend he is for Aaron... I couldn't love the guy more!
And then after I laugh, I swoon, and cry with Aaron and Vinnie...enter the 'epilogue' !
You'll swooning after that only. This is not a perfect story. Vinnie and Aaron are not perfect but they're perfect for each other. And the epilogue, is just as perfect!
Thank you for the best Epilogue ever Renae!
*.....I miss the boys already :(....*
I'm highly recommended this book to my MM community who love this series right from the start!
*ARC was given by publisher for a fair and unbiased review. Thank you Dreamspinner Press!*
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